Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Bramdean School provides "an outstanding quality of education"

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 12th of October 2012

Bramdean School in Exeter are justifiably proud of their recent ofsted report which deemed them outstanding in six areas. The inspector's findings in September 2012 were that 'Bramdean School meets its aims successfully and provides an outstanding quality
of education. Improvements since the last inspection have secured an outstanding
curriculum which, together with the outstanding quality of teaching, promotes
pupils' outstanding progress, including in the Early Years Foundation Stage. The
quality of provision for pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
continues to be outstanding and contributes to outstanding behaviour. Provision
for pupils' welfare, health and safety is good.'
Bramdean's Joint Head Mr D Connett is understandably delighted with the report which validates the school's motto 'Excellence in Education'
Bramdean School provides
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