Exciting News At Brontё House
Published by Woodhouse Grove School (Bronte House) on Thursday 11th of January 2024
As of September 2024, Brontё’s Reception children, currently housed in purpose-built Ashdown Lodge in the leafy grounds of the main school, will be moving into the beautiful main Brontё House building. Considerable development is planned over the summer to create the perfect indoor and outdoor environment for these very important members of the school community.
The benefits of being physically part of the main school are many:
Reception will have access to facilities in the main school building, including the KS1 library, the Sports Hall and have their music lessons in the music studio. No longer based in just one classroom or area all day, lessons will be brought to life with more opportunities and a broader range of co-curricular activities. A change of environment will do wonders for concentration and foster independence, organisation and confidence. This is a real point of difference compared to other schools.
Reception children will benefit from Brontё House’s specialist sports coaches and performing arts teachers and they will be part of whole-school weekly events and assemblies. They will have access to the school library, have lunch with their older peers and be able to see their Year 6 “buddies” every day, learning, by example, those all-important soft, social skills.
The experienced staff team at Brontё House are certain that this change will transform the children’s experience. After teaching Reception children over many years, it has become clear that it is easy to underestimate this age group and assume they need cloistering in their own secluded setting when, in fact, development flourishes when they are allowed to mix with older children in a safe and nurturing environment, such as exists at Brontё House.
“Moving into the main Brontё House building will prepare these young Grovians for the exciting challenges that await as they progress up the school – and then on to Woodhouse Grove, in Year 7.”