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In The News

Published by Gordon's School on Thursday 7th of December 2023

The fundraising efforts of students and staff in Angus’ Army featuring on Greatest Hits Radio news this morning. Angus’ Army, formed to support Sandringham student Angus, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the Summer, has now raised almost £20,000 for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. This has been achieved through running in the Oxford Half Marathon and 100 miles of the South Downs. Earlier this week, students Will Bowe and Rojhe Rowe (pictured above right and Alex Duke)and school Chaplain the Reverend Graham Wright were interviewed about their fundraising by Gordonian Alex Duke of Greatest Hits Radio.

Rojhe, who took part in the South Downs run said: "at Gordon's here we're all one big family, especially as boarders where we constantly live with each other, we go through our highs and lows with each other. That sense to be able to stand up and say 'hey, my friend is going through a rough time, I need to really support him' I think that's a good value."

Will described the South Downs run as incredibly difficult - "It was probably the most hilly terrain I've ever been in before. There was not a single segment of flat ground, it was constantly uphill, downhill - at one point there were a couple of people running through some rivers".

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