Sir William Perkins’s GCSE Students Celebrate Excellent Results
Published by Sir William Perkins's School on Thursday 24th of August 2023
Sir William Perkins’s GCSE students celebrate excellent results despite the return to pre-pandemic grading
· 39% of grades achieved were 9s
· 63% of grades were 8s or 9s
· 81% of grades were 7, 8 or 9s
· 25% of students achieved all 8s and 9s
Students at Sir William Perkins’s School in Chertsey are once again celebrating impressive GCSE results this year despite the return to pre-pandemic grading. 63% of all grades achieved were 8 or 9 and the percentage of 9 grades awarded (39%) is the third highest that the School has achieved. Such continued excellence is reassuring, as this year grading makes a return to pre-pandemic standards.
“These GCSE results are outstanding, and our students should rightly be proud of these achievements. We are delighted that 39% of grades awarded are the top grade of 9, whilst the percentage of examinations assessed at 9, 8, overall from this group of students was an impressive 63%. Over 85% of students obtained grades 7, 8 and 9 across all three Science disciplines.” said Mr Chris Muller, Headmaster “I am hugely grateful to colleagues and students for their hard work and commitment and delighted to be handing such a successful cohort over to Ms Debbie Picton when she takes over the leadership of the school in September.”
The educational context is worth noting: we are now firmly in the realm of grading for GCSE examinations returning to pre-pandemic levels, and the press has been vocal about the ‘tougher’ nature of the marking. “Given that it is most meaningful to compare this year’s results with those achieved in 2019, students should be delighted with their outcomes, which were significantly improved on those grades achieved at the school in pre-pandemic times four years ago. Alongside our successes in STEM, Arts subjects have also thrived at SWPS. For example, 96% of our English results (Language and Literature) were graded 9-7 this year, and 56% of these were grade 9. 66% of our 42 Geography students also secured the top grade 9 and 100% of the cohort achieved grades 9-7, the equivalent of A*/A.” said Mr Peter Forrest-Biggs, Deputy Head Academic. “We are delighted that the majority of our Year 11 students will return in September to embark on their A Level studies at our successful Sixth Form.”
The school is delighted to be welcoming Mr Conor Johnston as Director of Sixth Form in September, where he will support students in their track record of achieving their first-choice university places, with many leavers going on to Russell Group universities, to Oxbridge and to study Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry.
Mike Bannister, Chairman of the Board of Governors at Sir William Perkins’s School, commented, “I should like to extend my congratulations - and those of my fellow Governors - to all of the students for yet another impressive set of results, which follow the equally excellent A Level results last week. It is with immense pride that I pass on the Chairmanship of our school at an exciting time, as Mr Chris Muller hands over the leadership of the school to Ms Debbie Picton, with such positive examination outcomes.”
Supporting students in maintaining a balance between academic studies and emotional and physical wellbeing is an important part of life at Sir William Perkins’s School. There is no doubt the emphasis on providing excellent pastoral care has played a part in the success of this year’s GCSE results. Deputy Head Pastoral, Mrs Heather O’Connor said “We are aware that young people feel pressure when approaching exams, so we are mindful that we need to provide tailored support in order for them to achieve their full potential. As a result, SWPS students have excelled academically which has led to so many individual success stories this year.”