Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Tower College's African Adventure

Published by Tower College on Tuesday 17th of October 2023

Monday...The last day of our African Adventure. We left our hotel in Nakuru and travelled back to Nairobi via the Great Rift. We had one final stop before we got our flights home... The Giraffe sanctuary! We all got to feed the giraffe's and learned all about the centre's conservation work. We then headed to Nairobi airport and said goodbye to our host Fred. Maybe not good bye, perhaps it will be see you soon! Kenya was an amazing experience with amazing people.

The pupils of Tower College made us all so proud with their resilience, compassion and empathy for everyone that we met on our adventures. Kenya has taught us that money doesn't buy happiness, it has taught us to be grateful for the chances and choices that we have in our every day lives that we may previously have taken for granted. We have learned that education is the key to a brighter future and with the right mindset we can achieve anything that we put our minds to. Most importantly it has taught us that there is no greater gift than helping other people. Kwa Heri! Sawa! Sawa!

Tower College's African Adventure - Photo 1
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