Copenhagen International School leaderboard

US Politics Trip

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 23rd of October 2023

During half term, year 12 and 13 history and politics students took a trip to Washington DC, where we saw many of the institutions that we study, including the Capitol complex, the White House and the Supreme Court.

We also witnessed a military funeral at Arlington National Cemetery, saw the foundational documents of the US, took a night tour of the monuments, and visited the African American history museum.

Whilst in the US, we were also lucky enough to explore New York's sites, from going up the Empire State Building and visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to the sobering experience of the 911 museum.

A particular highlight was a reception where we were able to meet alumnae living in the city. We ended the trip with plenty of shopping in midtown and Greenwich Village, along with attending a Broadway show.

Alexandra, year 13
US Politics Trip - Photo 1
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