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Sands Voted Chosen Charity for 2023

Published by Aldwickbury School on Friday 13th of October 2023

Each year the Aldwickbury boys choose a charity to support for that academic year and it has proven to be a much-anticipated event in the Aldwickbury calendar!

As part of Year 8's Future Thinking Curriculum within their 'community' studies unit, they researched a selection of charities that the school could support for the academic year. Through this project, the boys were able to learn more about the various charitable organisations and the important work they do in their respective fields. They were also able to understand the impact that their contributions could have on these organisations and the value of giving back to the community.

The Year 8 boys initially presented their charity choices to their whole year group concluding in a year group vote. This helped the boys to develop important research, communication and critical thinking skills which are essential for success both inside and outside the classroom. The boys then presented their top three chosen charities in the Prep school assembly. Their presentations were excellent, well-prepared, packed with facts and reasons why we should choose their charity. The audience of Years 3 to 8 listened attentively, soaking in all of the information ready for a class discussion immediately afterwards. Mr Patrick reminded them that it was their choice alone and to think carefully about the three short-listed charities. This showed the boys' remarkable maturity throughout the process and it was an important introduction to the British value of democracy.

The chosen charity for this academic year as decided by the boys is Sands, a charity dedicated to reducing the number of babies who die before, during or shortly after birth and supporting bereaved families. Currently, in the UK, this affects 13 families a day or 4,500 babies per year.

We are incredibly proud of the Year 8 boys' hard work and participation throughout the process and we look forward to raising much-needed funds for this deserving charity throughout the year!


Sands Voted Chosen Charity for 2023 - Photo 1
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