YEP Team Win Award For Most Innovative Idea
Published by Lingfield College on Tuesday 2nd of May 2023
Congratulations to our Youth Enterprise Project Team who have raised £1805.91 for St Catherine’s.
On Thursday 27th April, Miko, Teddy, Matthew, Scarlet, Grace and Michael in year 10 were fortunate enough to attend the awards ceremony in St Wilfred’s school for the Youth Enterprise Project, an initiative to raise over £1500 for St Catherine’s Hospice in Crawley, with a £50 investment from NatWest.
We presented a PowerPoint regarding our fundraising, and watched the other groups present theirs. Over the past few months, we held a vast number of events to make this happen, including a Teachers VS Students Football Match, Doughnut Sale and lots more! We ended up raising over £1805.91 for St Catherine’s, which we are very proud of.
Lingfield also won the award for the most innovative idea, due to our Online Website and Spreadsheet to keep track of our finances.
We would like to thank Mrs Evans and Mr Bolton for their help in our project and all the staff, parents and students who gave up their time, effort and money to help make this happen!