Dauntsey’s Team Return to Romania To Support Children’s Charity
Published by Dauntsey's on Thursday 17th of August 2023
Photograph shows: Sixth Form pupils getting to know children at Nightingales Children’s Project, Romania
This summer saw a team of 23 Dauntsey’s pupils and staff head to Romania for the first time since 2019. The school has a long-standing relationship with the Nightingales Children’s Project there, and being able to visit the country and help with work on the ground is a fundamental part of this relationship.
The Nightingales Children’s Project, based in Cernavoda in South-East Romania, is run by both British and Romanian staff and relies heavily on volunteer input. Focused on providing care and support to local families and children, Nightingales runs a number of different projects, ranging from housing and supporting the young, handicapped HIV positive adults from the Cernavoda orphanage, to opening a coffee shop and play area for local families, to mentoring young girls who are in danger of going into the sex industry or being trafficked.
Dauntsey’s received enormous support from the local community in advance of making their trip to Romania, with families and local schools giving donations of clothing, crafts, and toiletries and local dentists suppling much needed toothbrushes and toothpaste. All of this was greatly appreciated by Nightingales and the Dauntsey’s team quickly put the craft supplies and face paints to work, running a six-day activity programme for the local children.
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