Huge Success At The British Physics Olympiad
Published by Kingswood Senior School on Thursday 4th of May 2023
At Kingswood we offer a breadth of extra-curricular opportunities for our pupils, including academic competitions such as the British Physics Olympiad - a challenge that aims to encourage the study of Physics and recognise excellence in young physicists! The competitions are designed to test understanding and problem solving skills.
We were proud to present so many pupils from Years 11, 12 and 13 into the competition. The Olympiad tested the pupils perseverance and determination to solve harder problems.
Well done to everyone that took part in the challenge, but special mentions go to our Gold Award winners Crystal, Jiwoo Adam, Akira, Emily, Jack, Oscar and Nao - who was awarded a Top Gold Award, placing him in the top 50 students who entered the competition. A tremendous achievement from the Kingswood Physics Department!