Cobham Hall Model United Nations
Published by Cobham Hall on Monday 20th of March 2023
On Saturday we welcomed over 50 external delegates from local schools to take part in our exciting MUN conference.
The day saw a wide range of heated debates and passionate topical discussions such as water security, children’s privacy, and human rights.
Ethiopia has been passionately debating the topics of food security and the breaching of children’s privacy by social media companies. They stunned other delegates by calling Ecuador’s amendment a ‘waste of funds and pointless’. - The Cobham Gazette
Congratulations to our Year 12 Secretary Generals, Alyssa, Jessica and Poppy for their hard work in making this year’s CobMUN such a success.
Although many countries disagreed on the various topics, it was fantastic to see everyone come together to represent diverse opinions and listen to each other’s ideas.
Overall, the day was a huge accomplishment, and we would like to say a big thank you to Miss Williams and the MUN team for organising the event.