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Sports And Kitchen Project Ideas Shared With Agoro Oyombe

Published by West Buckland School on Monday 6th of March 2023


The students in the International Society pitched two ideas for projects to support learning and well-being to our Kenyan colleagues at Agoro Oyombe, the school that we have been partners with since the early 2000s.  The ideas looked were based on kitchen provision and sports equipment and were both focusing on the UNs 17 sustainable development goals.

The pitch on kitchen provision looked at the advantages of replacing traditional cooking methods and location of the kitchen at the school, which do not provide sufficient storage facilities as well as smoky conditions which are not good for the staff or students. Instead, they proposed raising money for a new building that had good ventilation, was waterproof and was positioned so that it sat between the two schools, to enable lunch to be provided for the junior school as well.

The new facility would also see the introduction of affordable Mukuru Clean Stoves, which recently

The pitch also included trying to introduce a wider range of crops grown on site, to provide a more balanced diet for the students and staff.

These were received positively and the projects are now in motion.


The other idea that was pitched to the school was focused on first helping to replace some of their sports equipment that might be broken or old and secondly about how the school could easily make their own sports bibs.  The idea was that West Buckland would support them by providing materials to make the bibs, together with a pattern to cut out the shaped material.

Another idea revolved around trying to create new court lines for netball and volleyball courts as well as ideas on how to crochet new nets for the hoops out of string!

These ideas are all focused on maintaining good health and well-being, number 3 of the UN’s sustainable development goals.


This week we will be taking part in the second chess fixture between West Buckland and students at Agoro Oyombe School.  The first event, held last month, was closely contested, despite some early technical hiccups, which we hope will not be repeated this week.  Both teams have put in careful preparation head of the events and there was a healthy competition between the sides.

We have also been holding a number of book club sessions with schools from Taiwan and Kenya.  Students take it in turn to read sections of the chosen book and then is an open discussion within the group about that section.

All these initiatives have helped our students to form friendships with students in schools around the world, as well as develop a greater understanding about their lives and education.

We are very excited to be receiving a visit from two members of staff from Agoro Oyombe, after Easter.

Sports And Kitchen Project Ideas Shared With Agoro Oyombe - Photo 1
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