
Canford ranked 4th in Sunday Times Parent Power 2022 and 2nd for A Level performance

Published by Canford School on Friday 9th of December 2022

Canford School has been recognised among the top schools in the country for pupil outcomes in A Level and GCSE examinations 2022 in the latest Times Parent Power report.

The school ranked 4th overall among 54 independent secondary schools in the South West region for combined A Level and GCSE results, and taking A Level results alone, Canford ranked 2nd behind the highly selective Cheltenham Ladies’ College.

At A Level, 40.4% of all Canford grades were awarded A*, 72.9% A*/A and 92% A*/B last summer, compared with nationally, 14.5% of all grades awarded A* and 35.9% A*/A. In the Independent Schools sector overall, the average was 28.7% for A* and 58% for A*/A. At GCSE, 79.6% of all grades awarded to Canfordians were 9-7 (A*-A), compared with a national overall figure of 26.3% and 53% in independent schools on average.

Headmaster Ben Vessey commented: “While league tables must be read in context, and academic results are only one part of the breadth of education we offer at Canford, we are nonetheless absolutely delighted to have our external exam outcomes highlighted ranking among the top four schools regionally and among the top 75 in the country at national level. Such outcomes are testament to the character and quality of our pupils and to their tremendous efforts alongside those of their teachers who have dedicated themselves tirelessly to ensure that Canfordians were as well prepared as possible for sitting their first major senior exams. We all feel extremely proud of our A Level and GCSE year groups who demonstrated so clearly the values we instil at Canford in their commitment to and pursuit of excellence.”

To read the full tables please visit www.thetimes.co.uk (subscription required).
Canford ranked 4th in Sunday Times Parent Power 2022 and 2nd for A Level performance - Photo 1
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