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Over £11,000 raised for charity last year

Published by Bootham School on Thursday 1st of December 2022

In any given year at Bootham, many social action activities focus on fundraising and supporting charities and organisations who do good work, whether that is locally, nationally or globally. Last academic year in 2021-22, the Bootham community excelled itself by raising a whopping £11,948 across the junior and senior schools, for a multitude of great causes, across a wide range of fun activities like bake sales, fun runs and dress up days.

In the junior school, money was raised for the two chosen charities for the year, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and Blood Cancer UK. We also raised money for Macmillan, the Peace Pledge Union and Comic Relief.

In the senior school, the majority of our fundraising was for our three chosen Charity of the Term organisations; in Autumn, we raised money for Refugee Action York, in Spring we worked with The Dragonfly Schools Foundation, and in summer we joined forces with the junior school and raised money across both sites for the D.E.C Ukraine Appeal. We also raised money across both sites for BBC’s Children In Need. As well as this, projects in the senior school raised money for Crisis at Christmas, and for the modern slavery charity Unseen.

Outside of our fundraising, we also supported York Foodbank with our ever popular Reverse Advent Calendar – more than 1,100 items were donated to the foodbank in the weeks leading up to our Christmas holidays.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to our social action calendar last year, in whatever capacity that was, and a huge well done to those students and staff who took the lead on our fundraising drives, we are proud to have raised and given such a large amount of money!
Over £11,000 raised for charity last year - Photo 1
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