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Lois Turner, Captain Of The British Women's Blind Cricket Team

Published by Aysgarth School on Monday 26th of September 2022

We were very fortunate to have some very special visitors at Aysgarth today. Lois Turner, Captain of the British Women's Blind Cricket team, with her trusty side-kick Buster, and Matt Player, a member of team GB's paralympic goalball squad, joined us to teach Hugo and the rest of Form 1 some very important skills. Funded by BBC Children in Need, Hugo has a private coaching session with Lois all morning before being joined by the rest of his class this afternoon. The boys were blindfolded and had to catch and throw balls to help them appreciate the difficulties faced by visually impaired people like Hugo in sport. Needless to say, they had plenty of fun whilst they were doing it - it was much harder than they thought! Thank you to Lois, Matt and to BBC children in need.

Lois Turner, Captain Of The British Women's Blind Cricket Team - Photo 1Lois Turner, Captain Of The British Women's Blind Cricket Team - Photo 2Lois Turner, Captain Of The British Women's Blind Cricket Team - Photo 3
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