Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Activities and trips

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 11th of December 2018

Because school is all about preparing for adult life, we believe that your child’s education must take them outside school as much as possible. We take our learning outside the classroom with weekly trips to help your child acquire independent living skills. For example if we’re studying religion, we’ll make visits to local mosques, temples and churches as part of our project. We’ll explore castles in History, and woodlands in Science. Our students have opportunity to join the local library, use leisure centres, eat, shop and get out in our local community as well as being able to take advantage of the amazing facilities that the great city of London offers. If your child loves sports or has a particular interest, such as horse riding or climbing, we’ll help them to pursue it. We have offered our pupils a chance to go on boat trips and to experience camping overnight, exploring different activities which they have not done before. We also took students to Poznan in Poland to take part in the Arts Festival which was so successful. Paul, one of our sixth form students, said that it was the best experience of his life. At every opportunity we engage with the community beyond our school gates. When it comes to learning, if your child has a special interest or ability in a particular subject then we make sure they can study it. Our older students also do work placements at a variety of local facilities, learning practical skills at the same time as building their confidence.
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