Copenhagen International School leaderboard

St Benedict's pupils 'Jump Rope'

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 8th of July 2011

On Friday 17th June St Benedict's Junior School pupils skipped their way through the morning to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation. Everyone had to wear something RED (for heart) and to donate £1. 'Jump Rope' involved nearly 300 children, not all at once though!

The Junior School House Masters and Mistresses joined with their colleagues from the Senior School to give all the pupils the opportunity to take part in a fun and healthy skipping experience that will make a difference to someone's life. The House Captains helped to make everything run smoothly.

The whole event was the brainchild of PE Teacher Alison Yates, who masterminded all the arrangements. 'The atmosphere was amazing with music playing and all the pupils taking part in different ways to skip, individually, in pairs or with a large group. The day was extremely successful. Even when it started to rain at the end of the session, the pupils still carried on their skipping. I am delighted that we managed to raise £270 and we hope to do even better next year.'
St Benedict's pupils 'Jump Rope' - Photo 1St Benedict's pupils 'Jump Rope' - Photo 2St Benedict's pupils 'Jump Rope' - Photo 3
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