Duke of York's Royal Military School

Archery Lession in Pre-Prep

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 15th of April 2016

On Monday 7th March, Year Two had a fabulous time taking part in an Archery session. Stuart and Rachel of Doody's Educational Workshops showed the pupils how to correctly hold a bow and position an arrow on the string. They then got to shoot the arrows at straw targets and hopefully not shoot the worms! Everyone was shown how to score and they enthusiastically added up their arrow values - it was also a great chance for some mental arithmetic practise! Stuart commented "It was a real pleasure working with children who are so well behaved and listened attentively".
Archery Lession in Pre-Prep - Photo 1Archery Lession in Pre-Prep - Photo 2Archery Lession in Pre-Prep - Photo 3
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