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Lancaster Royal Grammar School students are Oxbridge-bound

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 22nd of January 2016

There were smiles all round recently when no fewer than 15 Upper Sixth Lancaster Royal Grammar School students and one recent LRGS leaver received offers from Oxford and Cambridge University. Of these 5 students are boarding pupils who have offers to study Medicine, Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. Headmaster Dr Pyle said: ‘Congratulations to our students on receiving these offers in such a wide range of subjects. Applying to Oxford and Cambridge is one of the most competitive academic challenges for any Sixth Former, and they have done extremely well. I am delighted for them and wish them every success as they work to achieve their offers in the summer exams. I hope that their success will also inspire many younger students to aim equally high.’ Congratulations go to all of our Upper Sixth students who are currently receiving offers on a range of highly competitive courses at many of the top universities around the country.
Lancaster Royal Grammar School students are Oxbridge-bound - Photo 1
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