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Bedales joins boarding orchard

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 10th of August 2015

Bedales has planted a ‘tree of knowledge’ to become the 32nd school to join an international boarding orchard created by state and independent boarding schools in the UK, US and Switzerland. The idea was conceived by the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) to symbolise member schools’ commitment to growth and caring for the environment. The planting of a Birch Bark Cherry tree (Prunus Serrula) at Bedales on 20 May 2015 also kicked off the school’s Conference on Boarding: Thriving in a changing world, which was supported by the BSA, with the keynote address delivered by its National Director Robin Fletcher on the challenges and opportunities facing the boarding school sector. Teacher and student delegates from state and independent sectors also discussed student resilience, prompted by presentations from Nicola Morgan, author of Blame My Brain, and pastoral care expert Jackie Cox. The conference was part of the school’s Leading Independent Thinking series of conferences and events; other wide-ranging topics in this year’s series have included philosophy, educational innovation and the poetry of Edward Thomas. Robin Fletcher, Headmaster Keith Budge, and Housemistress Jenni Brittain joined Block 3 (Year 9) students to plant the tree adjacent to Bedales’ award-winning timber framed theatre.
Bedales joins boarding orchard - Photo 1
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