
A Celebration at Culford Prep School

Published by Culford School on Wednesday 27th of May 2015

Culford Prep School parents and pupils enjoyed an exciting last day before the holidays at their annual Academic and Creative Arts Celebration Day on Friday 22nd May.

Parents and Guardians were invited to join their children for the day, taking part in activities such as 'Have a Go Lessons' in Art and Science and 'The BIG Bible Quiz' in Religious Studies. They were also given the opportunity to see first-hand what the pupils have been learning throughout the year in a range of subjects such as English, Geography and History, by visiting their classrooms and viewing some of the children's work.

The pupils showcased their creative abilities and entertained their audience throughout the afternoon by acting, singing and dancing in several performances. Years 3 and 4, aged 7 to 9, worked in small groups to write and deliver their own puppet shows using carefully crafted wooden spoon characters. The audience were captivated by their inventive stories, animated delivery and fantastic puppets.

In the afternoon, all the children took part in a Music Showcaseand Workshop. Each year group worked together to perform a song with some also playing musical instruments.

Prep School Headmaster, Mike Schofield, told the children that he was incredibly proud of the pupils for all the effort they had put into their performances on the day and their work throughout the year. He said, 'The children have worked incredibly hard to create a memorable and enjoyable day. Their creative performances were engaging and entertaining and the academic standard of all work on display was fantastic.'

The day finished with all parents, pupils and staff enjoying afternoon tea in the sunshine.
A Celebration at Culford Prep School - Photo 1A Celebration at Culford Prep School - Photo 2A Celebration at Culford Prep School - Photo 3
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