What a Spring Term at Godolphin Prep
Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 23rd of April 2015
How much can you achieve in three months? Well the girls at Godolphin Prep can easily answer that� 'a whole lot!'.Over and above their daily lessons, music and sport, drama and art the girls, who range in age from three to 11 years, all participated in a distance swim event through which they raised £1133.35 by swimming a total of 5350 lengths (83.5 miles).
When they weren't in the pool, the girls were inspired by Katrina Hart, Team GB Paralympic sprinter, who visited as part of the Sports for Schools programme. Through this initiative they raised almost £400 which goes towards PE equipment and Sports for Schools.
The girls also held a Sweet Treats day, raising more money for their chosen charity 'Smiles for Grace', they welcomed two visiting authors, had a wonderful World Book Day and a delicious Great Prep School Bake Off. At the start of the term, the Prep Elizabeth Godolphin Award was introduced.
Godolphin Prep Head, Miss Julia Miller said at the end of term, 'for a small school the girls have done a lot of big things and have raised almost £2500 for Smiles for Grace I am hugely proud of them'.
The summer term kicks off with the launch of the Go-Girl series, where girls are invited to spend a day at Godolphin Prep and can chose to Go-Paint, Go-Swim, Go-Discover, Go-Play or Go-Wild. Watch the Godolphin website for more details.