Copenhagen International School leaderboard

GCSE results summer 2014

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 2nd of September 2014

Godolphin School, Salisbury, celebrates another year of excellent GCSE results. Once again the results have exceeded national figures. 41% of all examinations were awarded the top A* grade, against the national statistic of 6.7%. Since 2011, A* grades have risen by 6% at Godolphin which is a testament to the hard work of staff and students in seeking to raise achievement. Despite warnings in the press of grades being 'volatile', Godolphin continues to soar above the national average (68.8%) of students achieving A*-C with 98%.

58 students
563 subject entries

A* - 41%
A*- A 69%
A* - B 86%
A* - C 98%

15.5% of the year group achieved straight A* and A grades and Philippa Sumner, one of our Academic Scholars, is celebrating 11 A* grades whilst Emilia Ames, Alice Berkeley, Tatiana Coen, Crystal Huang, Kitty Newton, Matilda Streatfeild achieved 9 A* grades. Between them, our Academic Scholars gained a fantastic total of 1A^, 57 A* and 11 A grades. Similarly, all our Music and Art Scholars achieved at least an A in these subjects.

At a time when the importance of the Sciences and Maths is very much in the media, we were thrilled when 4 girls all achieved an A^ (an A* with distinction) in their IGCSE Further Maths. Over 80% of all the grades for Maths and the individual Sciences were A^ - A grades. Many of these girls are going on to read these subjects at A level next year, in line with national trends showing that they are rapidly becoming the most popular subjects at Sixth Form level as reported in national press last Friday.

Headmistress, Mrs Emma Hattersley said 'I am full of praise for the girls. This is an excellent set of results and I must congratulate all the girls. They have all worked exceptionally hard but have still found time to contribute to school life through drama, music and sport and other interests. I would also like to thank our dedicated staff and indeed the parents, for supporting the girls so well. The journey now continues as the girls embark upon their A-level studies. We look forward to our Lower Sixth Formers being the first to take part in our unique professional and practical programme, the Elizabeth Godolphin Award.'

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