Barfield School

Great start to term's sport for Bedales and Dunhurst

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 24th of January 2011

Sport at Bedales Senior School and Dunhurst, Bedales Junior School, got off to a great start this spring term with wins across multiple disciplines and age groups.

Bedales U14A Netball team had an excellent match against Frensham winning by an impressive lead of 15-6. Phoebe Landers captained the team and achieved player of the match. The U14B team also played against Frensham and won by 22-0, which was a fantastic result. The players, led by Lili Bidwell showed excellent team work, with great mid court play from Juliette Perry and Evie Jacobs. Well done to Jojo Mosely who was player of the match. Victory for the teams continued the following week with the U15A team winning 11-5 once again against Frensham and the U15B team also winning 17-4 against Frensham.

Commenting on the results, Helen Retter, Temporary Head of Girls' Sport said: 'We were delighted that both A and B teams scored such good results in two consecutive weeks, what a good start to the year and the term.'

At Dunhurst, Bedales Junior School, there was success in boys and girls hockey and girls netball as well as fantastic representation at an inter school cross country running meet at Westbourne House. Ten girls' teams took part in the cross country competition in U9,10,11,12 & 13 age groups. Around 40 girls competed in each race and the Dunhurst girls did the school proud, with excellent results including: Emilie Jung 1st; Hetty Wraight 3rd; Pippa Lock - 5th ; Emma Duncan 5th ; Rosie Geaves 9th (in their age groups). Overall Dunhurst came 4th out of 10.

Dunhurst's U13 girls hockey team took on Meoncross with huge success winning 9-0. This was a particularly impressive result considering Dunhurst lent Tara Noble, one of their players, to Meon Cross for the GK position in the second half and she managed some great saves throughout the game.

Commenting on the match, Rachel Hearnshaw, Head of Sport at Dunhurst, said: 'Rory Abell the captain showed strong stick work as well as leadership with some fantastic passing between her, Rosie Gee-Turner, Ellie Wraight, Ems Swettenham and Jemima Goodfellow. Ems scored a lovely goal using a move we've been practising in training. Our defence: Breanne Haley, Ashley Vilijeon and Robyn Whittaker were like a brick wall, impossible to get through. Well done to the girls for such a fantastic start to the term.'

Other excellent results from Dunhurst included a 6-12 victory for the school's U11B netball team, against St. Ives and the U13 A&B boys' hockey teams victorious matches against Meoncross.

Great start to term's sport for Bedales and Dunhurst - Photo 1
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