Barfield School

Strength of Gresham's Maths results

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 18th of January 2011

25% of the current Gresham's Fifth Form have already attained an A* grade at IGCSE Mathematics, with 35% attaining an A* or A grade. A number of pupils took the exam at the end of Fourth Form, a full year early, with the rest obtaining their results yesterday, 13th January, having sat the exam in November.

David Miles, Deputy Head (Academic) said, 'We offer an accelerated programme for Maths and regularly achieve some outstanding results. Of those who have just taken the IGCSE, three only entered the School in September on our pre-IB programme and they achieved two A* and one A grade. The consistently good results from the Maths department are something we can be really proud of well done to pupils and staff!'
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