Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Music Exam success

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 18th of January 2011

With results in from the various music exam boards, Port Regis is delighted with the news that 85% of passes were awarded either Merit or Distinction grades. This is testament to the hard work put in by their team of visiting music teachers and the efforts of the children themselves. Over the last few years there has been a steady improvement in results, helped by the determination to emphasise the value of productive practice, coupled with the School's policy of not just entering children to pass an exam but to provide every opportunity for them to become well-rounded and skilled musicians. Shaun Bracey, the school's Director of Music, commented, "I am absolutely delighted with this set of results! The examiner was full of praise for our facilities and also mentioned that there was clear evidence of a high standard of music teaching at Port Regis. My congratulations go out to all of our young musicians."

Breakdown of results:
Pass 7
Pass with Merit 25
Pass with Distinction 14
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