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Tettenhall College 150th Celebrations

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 31st of January 2013

Based in 33 acres of woodland and grounds in the village of Tettenhall, Tettenhall College is a small independent school with big ambitions. Catering for pupils from 2 to 18 years old, 2013 marks the school's 150th anniversary and never has there been a more exciting time in the development of the school.
Built on strong academic, sporting and cultural foundations the school was founded by a group of local churchmen and industrial leaders. It first opened on August 1st 1863, with fifteen boys and a cow, the latter being purchased to supply milk for the boys! 150 years later the school has grown into a thriving independent school with a national reputation for academically developing the individual and outstanding pastoral care. The latest Independent Schools Inspectorate report commented that parents were extremely happy with the quality of care and teaching, and children thrive because staff are highly committed to meeting their needs. In 2012 examination results exceeded expectations with 87% of pupils gaining A*-C at GCSE level and a 97% pass rate at A level, once again securing the College's 3rd place in the local GCSE league tables. With the newly opened Preparatory School and the excitement of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations, the atmosphere amongst parents and staff is buzzing.
The school's 150th anniversary was officially launched on January 17th with the unveiling of a stunning stained glass window at a service of dedication and thanksgiving in the historic school chapel. The window was designed and made by Graham Chaplin, known locally for his work in St. John's in the Square, Wolverhampton and was inspired by designs from pupils of the College. Martyn Long, Headmaster of the school commented, 'With the sunlight streaming through the panes the window is a striking and lasting reminder of our 150th year at Tettenhall College'. Attended by over 200 guests the launch marked the start of a host of events due to take place in 2013, these include a May gala ball, a charity fashion show and a weekend of celebrations for Old Tettenhallians in June where the whole school community old and new, will come together and celebrate good times from the past, renew old acquaintances and look to an exciting future.
Archives Room
The school shares its illustrious anniversary with some well-known institutions including The London Underground, The Red Cross and The Football Association, and one week in February was dedicated to learning all about 1863 the year that was! To help pupils with this the Chair of the 150th Committee, Ian Wass, started sorting through previously undiscovered boxes of archive material that was found tucked away in the Towers building. The finds were amazing and Ian started to uncover more and more old photographs and memorabilia that had been hidden away for years. His work became a labour of love and soon it was clear that these treasures needed to be displayed somewhere for all to see. The result was the conversion of an unused storage room to a beautiful archives space where staff, pupils, Old Tettenhallians and members of the public are now welcome to browse through old school magazines, photographs, nominal roles and other memorabilia. It is a truly magical room and a testament to the history of the school and the work of its forefathers.
For further information about the events that are taking place please contact Mr Ian Wass (Chairman of 150th Committee) on 01902-793022 or email To visit the school itself our next Open Day is Thursday March 14th 2013, for more details please contact Annabelle Addison on 01902-751119.

Contact Details for the 150th Celebrations:
General Information from:
Mr Ian Wass (Chairman of 150th Committee)
Tel: 01902-793022 or email
Ticket enquiries:
Mrs Penny Storey (Marketing & Alumni Coordinator)
Tel: 01902-741627 ext 221 or email
Find us on Facebook at Tettenhall College 150th Anniversary
Tettenhall College 150th Celebrations - Photo 1Tettenhall College 150th Celebrations - Photo 2Tettenhall College 150th Celebrations - Photo 3
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