Home | Seaford College

Seaford College

Petworth, Lavington Park, Sussex, England GU28 0NB
Tel: +44 (0) 1798 867392

Private School (Fee Paying) Co-Educational 5 - 18 Years Day & Boarding (Flexi, Full, Weekly)

Seaford College is a genuinely warm, friendly school with excellent teaching and learning across all departments. In addition to this very strong academic core, we offer outstanding pastoral care and an impressive programme of extra-curricular activities.

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Open Days, Visits & Events

01-03-2025 - Open Morning

Open Mornings are held each term and provide the chance to have a tour with one of our students. Open Mornings are informal at Seaford College, and as well as seeing the facilities we offer, there is the opportunity to speak to key members of staff.

09-10-2025 - Sixth Form Open Evening
