Welcome to Online Schools

Online schools offer a modern day alternative to a traditional education, allowing children and young people to learn primarily or entirely online. Is it right for you?

Oxford Learning College state that "online learning is the fastest-growing market in the education industry with a 900% growth rate globally since 2000".  In the US around 2.7 milllion students are currently enrolled in online schools, while in the UK according to the Department of Education has 92,000 children being home schooled and this figure has been increasing. Children in the UK will be classified as home schooled as the government doesn't currently recognise online schools. The school works by holding the lessons online, live and in some cases recorded to watch later. The schools will tend to follow the local curriculum. Certain schools in the UK and across the world will offer an IB diploma as well as American High School Diplomas. Not all countries allow children to have an online education so always check the local legislation. 

Benefits of Online Schools

Students can learn at their own pace and schedule, which is great for those with other commitments, such as sports or Theatre or for children that just don't thrive in a typical learning environment.

Online schools can be accessed from anywhere, offering complete accessability making them ideal for students in remote areas or those who travel frequently. Also it means the national curriculum is available for families overseas. 

Many online schools offer lower tuition fees compared to traditional private schools.

Learning can be personalised and Schools can often provide tailored education plans to meet individual student needs, including support for special educational needs (SEN).

Some families will top up with tutors if extra tuition is needed




What you should also Consider

Students won't have the same Social Interaction as those in mainstream education. Some schools will offer virtual clubs and events, but the lack of daily in-person interaction can be a drawback for some students.

Students need to be self-motivated and disciplined to keep up with their studies without the structure of a traditional classroom.

Live lessons won't suit everyone, so look for a school that records lessons if you can't guarantee your child is available for the times set.

Certain subjects and tasks are easier in person, such as Science experiments and how do they manage sport. 


 This may be the future of schooling so consider our online schools carefully. 


Online Schools available to you:


Eastwood Global Online School

Z.A. La Pièce 1, 1180 Rolle, Rolle, Switzerland 1180
Tel: +4121 805 05 91

Private School (Fee Paying) Co-Educational 6-19 Years IB and US curriculum

Eastwood Global Online School, a leading provider of online education, is founded on the principles of Academic Excellence, Freedom, Global Community, Entrepreneurial Spirit, and Empowerment. The school is committed to preparing students for success in the 21st century by offering a comprehensive program that emphasizes cross-cultural communication, collaboration, and tech fluency. This program culminates in a fully online International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma. Eastwood Global is proud to be one of only seven institutions worldwide authorized to deliver the online IB DP, signifying a dedication to providing students with unparalleled access to world-class educational opportunities.

Read more about Eastwood Global Online School