
How Can Parents Become More Involved?

In recent years, there has been a lot of research and discussion around a parent’s involvement in their child’s education, and how this can improve academic performance. The general conclusion is that students of both private and independent schools can flourish as long as they have the right support at home. As a parent, you may be wondering what you can do. Is helping with homework enough or are there other ways to help your child thrive in school?

Generally speaking, it’s wise to find some time each day to have a one-to-one chat with your child about their school life. Approaching this subject as soon as they get home from school is probably not the best time, as they will want to relax and wind down. You should also avoid asking questions that only require a yes or no answer, because it’s unlikely you’ll receive much of a response. Instead, ask questions that provoke some thought, such as “Which was your favourite lesson today? What did you enjoy about it?”. As well as the positive elements, you’ll also want to find out if your child is struggling with anything, whether that be schoolwork related or perhaps a friendship issue. Let your child speak freely and without interruptions or judgement, otherwise they will not feel comfortable opening up to you again going forward. 

By talking to your child about school, you will demonstrate not only how important it is, but also how interested you are. If your child thinks you care about their education, they will strive to perform well as a way to impress you or avoid letting you down. It might be worth reading up on the latest news and events at your child’s school so that you have a talking point.

Another way to show your child that you’re invested in their education, is to arrange regular meetings with their teachers. Once a year at Parents’ Evening won’t be enough to ensure that your child is progressing successfully throughout the rest of their time at school. The teachers will be able to flag up any problem areas, if there are any, which you can then help your child with by providing the necessary tools required to improve. Be sure to praise your child when you see that they are working hard or have achieved a great result, because this will encourage them to repeat the same behaviour in the future. 

Contribution from Brampton College

Eastwood online school
St Michael's School
Kingham Hill School